Come and checkout a new Review/Giveaway going on at Thrifty & Chic Mom. This is a wonderful blog that has MANY cost saving tips (some great coupons too). I have learned a lot from her blog.
I am a stay-at-home Mom to four beautiful little girls! :) They range in age from 7 to 1. As an outlet and to stay "somewhat" sane, I craft at night (and sometimes during the day) when they have all gone to bed. Unfortunately, as the older one gets older that time seems to be shrinking, LOL.
I try new crafts/ideas/kreations all the time. So, check back in my shop and on this blog often for fun new things.
I will be doing special promotions through this blog and also some giveaways, so become a "follower" to keep up to date.
Have a great day!! :)